Design a data structure with O(1) time complexity for all functions
Probelm Description
Design a data structure with O(1) time complexity for all functions:
set(key, value)
For the general solution, the time complexity of the function set_all(value) should be O(n) unavoidablely. However, we can add a timestamp to record the time of the last global update and set a timestamp for each key. With some adjustments for get(key), we can make the time complexity of the function set_all(value) downgrade to O(1). Of course, each key takes up more space for an additional timestamp.
// Declare mock variables int key = 1; int value = 2; int global_value = 0xff;
// Get the empty result to test `get(Key key)` std::optional<int> empty_get_result = collection.get(key); assert(!empty_get_result.has_value());
// Set a value and get it to test `set(Key key, Value value)` and `get(Key key)` collection.set(key, value); std::optional<int> valid_get_result = collection.get(key); assert(valid_get_result.has_value() && valid_get_result == value);
// Set a global value to test `set_all(Value value)` collection.set_all(global_value);
// Get the global value to test `get(Key key)` std::optional<int> gloabal_get_result = collection.get(key); assert(gloabal_get_result.has_value() && gloabal_get_result == global_value);
// Erase the value to test `erase(Key key)` and `get(Key key)` collection.erase(key); empty_get_result = collection.get(key); assert(!empty_get_result.has_value());